Enrolments for 2024
In order to enrol your child/children, please email loscci@bigpond.com to request an enrolment form and Direct Debit Authorisation.
Enrolments for 2024 will open from 13th November 2023 for families who do not currently attend before and/after school care.
New parents and children are always welcome to visit the centre and have a look around prior to enrolling. Come by, meet the staff and collect your enrolment forms anytime during centre opening hours : 7am - 9am and 2pm to 6pm Monday to Friday during school terms & 7am - 6pm during vacation care.
Before and After School Care
Please contact LOSCCI on 9310 7305 or via email loscci@bigpond.com to determine if the centre has a vacancy for the day/s you are seeking care. If there are no vacancies your child can be placed on a waiting list.
You will need to complete an enrolment form and return it to LOSCCI prior to your child commencing at the centre. The Enrolment Form can be requested by emailing loscci@bigpond.com.
Vacation Care
Vacation care bookings open for currently enrolled families 5 weeks prior to the commencement of each school holidays. Pre-release booking forms will be emailed to enrolled families. The activity program will be released 2 weeks prior to school holidays commencing. New families are able to apply for vacation care after the activity program has been released but only if there are vacancies. The following forms are required to book vacation care
LOSCCI Enrolment form (first time attending LOSCCI or first time each calendar year)
LOSCCI Pre-release booking sheet or Vacation Care Booking Sheet
Signed Authorisations for Incursions
Registering for Child Care SUBSIDY
You will need to register with the Department of Human Services if you wish to claim for Child Care Subsidy. You will also need to confirm your booking on the my.gov.au site once your child has been enrolled at LOSCCI so that the subsidy can be applied. See the fees page for more information.