LOSCCI values parent input. Parents can give any suggestions to staff or place them into the suggestion box provided near the sign in/out file.
LOSCCI encourage parents to join in activities with their children before they leave and when the collect their children.
Management Committee
LOSCCI is a not for profit parent run centre.
Parents are encouraged to join the Management Committee to have their say on how the centre operates. Without parents on the committee the centre cannot operate.
Parents can become LOSCCI members. LOSCCI members may attend the committee meetings as guests. Membership forms are available at each monthly meeting and the annual membership cost is $1.
Although it is the Centre Director’s role for day to day management, the committee ensures the centre is being run in accordance with the centre policies. The Centre Director, Management Committee, Educators and Families will review and update policies annually in accordance with regulations.
The Committee meets on a monthly basis as per the following calendar of dates, commencing at 6.15pm. All parents are welcome to join. Childcare is available during monthly meetings.
If you have any queries please contact losccicommittee@gmail.com
2023 Committee Meeting Dates
Thursday 21st September 2023
Thursday 19th October 2023
Thursday 2nd November 2023 - Annual General Meeting
Parent Feedback
At LOSCCI we wish to provide your child/ren with the highest level of care possible.
In order to do this, we would like your opinion on how you feel the centre is being run and how our program and our philosophy is helping your child develop.
It would help us if you provided us with your thoughts on what LOSCCI's strengths and weaknesses are so we can work to improve our service.
Please feel free to complete a parent feedback form at any time and return by email or hand in at the centre.
It would help if you provide honest feedback as it is our aim to ensure your child is receiving the best care possible.